How do I Gently Grow my Unique Wedding Business in a Pandemic?
Five Mindset Lessons I Share on The Wedding Business Podcast
Renowned wedding photographer and industry business coach Faye Cornhill came into my life through a mutual client. I was booked to draw a magnificent Edwardian-inspired cascade bouquet, from a wedding photographed by Faye. My wedding bouquet illustration is pictured below. When I pinged Faye a quick email to ask if she was happy for me to potentially feature the image on my social media and blog, I had no idea of the doors and windows that were about to fly open in my life.
I discovered Faye’s coaching work (at a time I barely new what a business coach was), signed up for her e-newsletter (emails I stupidly ignored for months) and eventually took part in a five day free online challenge. With outrageous gratitude, I was overwhelmed when Faye identified my courageous streak and saw potential in my unique wedding business, and consequently awarded me a scholarship onto her 90 day coaching course, Booked in 90.
Two and half half years, six months of one-to-one coaching, two retreats and a second annual membership to her Wedding Business Club later, I’m still inspired daily by this Powerhouse of Positivity. So when Faye invited me to be a guest on her Podcast, I was thrilled to have an hour in her company for some therapy and a jolly good giggle at the path we’ve trampled together.

The Wedding Business Podcast Episode 20
On the podcast, we talk abut my career-to-date, and the weird and winding road that led to me super-niching as a botanical illustrator and founder of the Wedding Bouquet Illustration Service. The at around the 16 minute mark, we move on to talking more generally about the mindset hacks I’ve learned along the way – partly implanted by and partly coaxed out of me by Faye. While we of course reference the wedding industry, I strongly feel the lessons shared below can benefit any creative business owner.
Lesson One
Know Thyself
– Know who you are.
– Know who you want to work with.
– Know your boundaries.
– Know why you are doing what you do.
Knowing these things will help you on the toughest days (or in the toughest months, thank you 2020).
Lesson Two
Everything Will Be Fine
I don’t have a crystal ball to see into the future or know when the wedding industry will be revived. And I appreciate the devastating impact Covid has had at a core level on our lives and livlihoods. But I choose to operate from a place of “everything will be fine.” It’s a thought that helps me to take small, safe, imperfect action everyday towards fulfilling my goals and potential, even when the wedding market has gone t*ts up.
Covid-aside, it’s a great mantra for beating procrastination. If you feel that the worst case scenario of what you are holding back on is manageable, then you can proceed. Want to pitch your business to the most beautiful venue in your county, but worried about what they’ll think? If the likely worst case scenario is that they simply ignore your email, and if you could cope with that disappontment, then just send the email. Because if you don’t, the answer will always be “no.” Send the email, everything will be fine.
Lesson Three
Thoughts are not Facts
Just because you have a negative thought, that does not make it true. On the podcast, I shared a list of about 15 limiting beliefs I have about myself and my ability as a business owner. The process of getting those thougthts down on paper was revelationary. In my head, it’s a noisy jumble of cloudy mess. On paper, it’s pretty clear how to sort facts from fiction.
Let’s say I have the thought “I’m not talented enough”. A quick scroll through my customer testimonials will prove that to be untrue. So the next time that thought rears its ugly head, I can swot it away like a fly.
But let’s say I have the thought “I’m not good enough at tech to run my own e-commerce website.” I recognise truth in that. It’s not my interest, let alone my passion. I’m not ignited with curiosity for learning about it. It’s not within my genius zone. So when that thought shows up, I know it’s time to outsource to a specialist. Which is why I choose to pay a brilliant web developer to run updates and back-ups for me, as it doesn’t serve me to stress and worry about it.
Lesson Four
Visualise your Highest Self, and then Start Showing Up as Her
Who do you want to be? Figure it out, and then start thinking the thoughts and taking the actions that person would think and take. If you want to grow your unique wedding business despite these crazy 2020 circumstances, work out who you need to be to do that. Do you need to be networking, even if it via Zoom? Then scribble down that list of people you want to approach and commit to a weekly schedule. You’ll emerge in Spring 2021 with a wealth of new contacts ready to promote each other’s businesses to all your wonderful 2021 couples.
Lesson Five
You Only Have So Many Life Minutes
You only have so many life minutes, so how many of them do you want to spend worrying and making yourself small? Though none of us chose Covid and the events of 2020, you do get to chose how you react to it. How can you choose to nurture your unique wedding business now? How can you support and inspire your audience in this time, ready for the next wedding season? How can you improve your skillset, or zshoosh up your marketing? There’s an entire industry of brilliant creatives out there to skill swap and collaborate with, to help us improve or diversify our offering right now.
Since March 2020, I’ve juggled my Wedding Bouquet Illustration Service and commission work with all that Covid has entailed with regards to childcare and the huge drop in weddings taking place. Every supplier has experienced their own dramatic change in circumstances, some frustrating, some tragic. But in sharing these five lessons from my personal experience with Faye Cornhill on The Wedding Business Podcast, I’ve reminded myself to seek the positives in every situation. Growth is possible when you see the world with an abundant mindset. Faye’s a guiding light if you are struggling, and I’m a pretty good listener and ideas-sparker – if I can help too.
Find Out More
Register for Faye’s FREE epic masterclass for wedding business owners here. You’ll learn:
01. The Top 3 Mistakes that EVERYONE makes when they build their wedding business
02. The secret sauce to building a Successful & Profitable Wedding Business
03. Faye’s 4 Step Strategy for getting your next paying client
Listen to Episode 20 of The Wedding Business Podcast
Learn more about Faye Cornhill’s coaching offering
Follow Faye on Instagram where she shares tips and behind-the-scenes of her life and business
Faye’s debut book I Do: How To Say Yes to Running A Successful and Profitable Wedding Business, was released on 2nd Nov 2020. Click the Amazon link below. PLease note this is an affliate link, so you pay the same price, but I earn a teeny commission from the Bank of Amazon.
love, charlotte
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